debate is still new to NCFCA and with its new-ness comes many
unanswered questions. We hope to be able to answer some of
your questions through articles written about the various techniques
and case formats unique to value debate.
• Interpretation
of the Resolution:
LD cases are divided into two parts, the
resolutional analysis and the case proper. In this tutorial,
learn how to structure the resolutional analysis through
definitions, burdens, value premise & criterion. (by kîrsten
• Support
of the Resolution: This tutorial
explains how to structure the second half of your LD case. In
the case proper, include several contentions to adequately support
the resolution. (by kîrsten flewelling & Caleb Winn)
• Value
Objections & Implications:
"Subsume; if you cannot, CRUSH!" It's all great and dandy
to demonstrate that your value is wonderful, but consider crushing
your opponent's value through the use of these wonderful tools:
objections & implications. (by Caleb Winn)
• Case
Write your very own 1AC with the aid of this case
• Sample
LD Case: If you're still confused
about the structure of a value case, check out this sample case
outline. (by Austin Hancock & Benjamin Wolfson)
• Sample
LD Flow: Flowing in LD is a little
different due to the existence of the negative case. Bottom
line, flow whichever way works for you... but this way is the
easiest and best in my opinion. :) (by kîrsten flewelling)
• Discourse
on the Balanced Negative: In
which Kirsten rambles on about the highly controversial practice of
running a balanced negative. If you're considering running the
argument that human rights are as valuable as national
sovereignty, don't miss this article. (by kîrsten flewelling)
• LD
Learn the fascinating intricacies of research! This article details
the basics of research (useful for policy debate or essays and
such), along with the particulars of research for the value debater.
(by kîrsten flewelling)
More to come... |