How to Flow in LD
You may or may not get far with the standard system of flowing in policy debate with its awkward 8-speech design... try this method. It's easy to keep track of on-aff-case arguments, off-neg-case arguments, and you get to hold your legal pad normally! Score. :) This is an example of an LD flow pad, actual notes from the final round at Nationals between Kirsten Flewelling (aff) and Caleb Winn (neg).
1AC | 1NC | 1AR | 1NR | 2AR |
Def 1. restriction 2. welfare 3. agriculture VP: Q of L VC: Health OA: enjoy all values OB: sole end of government Def: Econ Liberty A1: pesticides A2: HACCP A3: water |
VO1: subjective value VO2: utilitarian idea VO3: sacrifices one portion of gen welfare for others (moral) OA: should happen - it could become bad at extreme OB: A1: done recently |
VO1: simple to further VO2: voting - how utility VO3: I believe these restrictions are moral so doesn't sacrifice one part OA: extreme |
VO1: Still multi-faceted VO2: inviolable rights sacrificed |
1NC | 1AR | 1NR | 2AR | 2AR |
Res burden: 1. prove resolution is true in all instances. VP: Justice Plato - Not meddling w/ others concerns VC: Liberty 1. Justice highest value a. moral right - Rawls support individ right "inviolable" b. upholds gen welfare 2. Proactive justice 3. Voluntarily destroyed animals w/ mad cow |
Res burden: 1. on balance - my burden is to convince you uphold res VO1: indefinable value - so many different defs 1. a. dif morals. can't be highest in society w/ so many dif mindsets Rawls for distributive justice 2. prevention necessary when certainty of harm exists |
Res burden: 1. on balance - my burden is to convince you uphold res VO1: directly impacts. should only step in when harms someone else 2. never good 3. voluntarily |
Neg voting issues: 1. neg value supports gen welfare JUSTICE 2. free market solve itself 3. real world 2. drunk driving, not killed anyone yet, we have laws to prevent harm 3. as in my 3rd contention, accidental harm. so OK to prevent |
Res burden: 1. shown basic restrictions of econ liberty are justified. 1. only on basis of his unsubstantiated definition which may not be true 2. "accidental infusion of pollution in ground water sources" 3rd contention 3. real world health is necessary... let's go eat steaks. |