Coaches |
David Graham
Brenden Garrett
Scott Tuggle
Rachel Williams |
Policy Debaters |
Bradley Banda
Chai Collins
Kirsten Flewelling
Michael Santiago
Josiah Weekley
Caleb Winn
Jonathan Winn
Russel York
Scott York |
Value Debaters |
Lisa Barnhill
Gracie Ingermanson
Travis Jordan
Hannah Laine
Jon-Marc Laine
Naomi Laine
Dan Nadal
Josh Nadal
Mark Nadal
Timothy Parker
John Prater
Paige Prater
Tim Roy
Jaymie Simpson
and more... |
Speechies |
Aubrey Goodhart
Janessa Goodhart
Jennifer Gerberding
Heidi Hannibal
Karen Hannibal
Donald Nordgren
Michael Nordgren
and more... |
Honorary Members |
Kendra Cleary
Sammy Franusic
Wendell Moon
Rae Read
Brittany Stewart
Chris Tuggle
Scott Tuggle |
Graham: The Coach
Kali, in the eyes of Paradigm debaters David Graham is greater than
any other idols. Some debaters actually call David (sacrilegiously
in my self-righteous opinion) "demigod" (that is, a minor
deity). David's three greatest characteristics are: his cool hair,
his patience, and his amazing brilliance in all things forensics. He
recently graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University as one of
their star debaters, and has patiently consented to showing us his
cool hair every other Thursday at debate club. He was homeschooled,
which means he doesn't know how to form a straight line at a
drinking fountain, but that one weakness is more than made up for by
his aforementioned strengths. We love our coach. He teaches us
everything we need to know (and a lot we don't) about debate and
about life. Yes, in our eyes he is far greater (and significantly
more true and less evil) than Baal or Kali. And he doesn't require
human sacrifice. - CW
One further Editor's note about David
Graham: David Graham is the reason I have debated for so many
years. Beyond being my coach, he's my mentor, my friend, and
my adopted "daddy-d." Since he joined Paradigm in
2000, he's become more than the coach of this club - he's the
godfather of this whole league. If you see him lurking in the
corners of a tournament, shake the man's hand and say "Thank
you." He deserves it. -KF
Garrett: Co-Coach
Garrett is a champion pog competitor. He's also a mad-brilliant debater for Point Loma Nazarene
University and the reigning national champion in the open division
for parliamentary debate (NCCFI). Brenden's roots are in NCFCA.
He competed way back in the era of campaign finances and taxes. He
then took his brilliance to the college circuit for two years,
debating with Long Beach City College. He specializes in coaching policy debate and limited prep events.
Brenden is one of the smartest people alive. Search him out
and test his knowledge in debate, philosophy, speed reading, goats,
and the Analects of Confucius.
Scott Tuggle:
Tuggle spent 3 years in NCFCA. In 2001/02, Scott went on tour
with Communicators for Christ and taught debate to students all
across the nation. Previously the coach of Intrepid in
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, he's now helping coach value and interp
events with Paradigm (and is still struggling with divided
loyalties). Scott now attends Point Loma Nazarene University and
debates on their incredible debate team. Aside from debate,
Scott has a really big dog... the coolest syblings in the world, and
has an aversion to life forms that start with "S". He
doesn't like snakes, he doesn't like spyders, and he thinks that
sharks were created by Satan. Above all, Scott Tuggle is cool. Don't forget.
Rachel Williams:
currently attends Point Loma Nazarene University and Cuyamaca
College and is in her second year of competing in parliamentary
debate and speech during which she has received many national
honors. Prior, Rachel competed in NCFCA in speech and debate
for three years. Rachel has a sincere love for the little things in
life, like taking the scenic route, walking downtown and admiring
the pretty lights, and spinning around in circles while gazing up at
the sky. (Her current debate partner, Scott Tuggle, compares
to her a Labrador... why, I have no idea.)
Lisa Barnhill
I'm seventeen years old and in the 12th grade. I love everything Jane Austin, the constitution, ice cream, most branches of science (physics is awesome!), snow, and thinking until my head hurts. I have played the violin for almost four years and love debating even though it involves public speaking (which I now tolerate because of it). I think extemp. is fun, although I've never actually done it. But the research is cool.
Kirsten Flewelling
Flewelling is 18 freaking years old and this is her fifth year competing with
NCFCA. Her greatest debate accomplishment is placing 1st in LD at the
National tournament in Murfreesboro, TN. She really enjoys
staring at inanimate objects, playing with her Slinky, and drawing
amazing pictures with her Etch-a-Sketch. Besides doing things which
are entirely unproductive, she also enjoys doing things which are
only mostly unproductive such as listening to music (genres: emo
& punk), playing guitar, creating with duct tape, and
sleeping. As a part of a nostalgic 18-year-old moment, she
reflects that debate has been an enormous and irreplaceable activity
in her life... it taught her to open her mind; brought so, so many
dearly loved friends and voices of encouragement into her life; and
gave her a passion for teaching. </end nostalgia>
Jenny Gerberding is 17 and in 11th grade. This is her first year doing speech (something she swore she'd never do) and is loving it! In her spare time she enjoys water sports, drawing, playing her guitar, doing goofy puppet shows in the children's ministry at her church, and chatting on AIM. She loves people, so don't be scared if she randomly says "hi!" or wants to talk to you. She loves fresh fruit and veggies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Flaming Hot Cheetos. She dislikes prideful people, cliques, cooked broccoli, and spiders. She recently qualified for Nationals in O.I and hopes to compete in H.I., D.I., Duo, and Duo Impromptu before she graduates next year. She looks forward to getting to know all of you!
Aubrey Goodhart
Aubrey is 16 years old and beginning her third year of speech. She's been to Nationals 2 years in a row and
absolutely loves I.E.! Her favorite event is expository speaking because she gets to talk about things that make her seem really smart and play around with the cool visual aids. Aubrey does speech because of all the awesome
people she meets and because it's just FUN! Besides speech, she ADORES reading, music, libraries, everything about musical theater, looking for shapes in clouds, quoting movies, bonfires, history, food, and....glue. On the other hand, she does NOT like: overly serious people,
artichokes, hunger pangs, depressing movies, boring books, geometry, cottage cheese, and being tired. She's looking forward to another great speech year and having a blast with her friends. Paradigm is the BEST!
Ingermanson began learning Latin in kindergarten because she wanted
to. If that doesn't scare you out of your pants and make
you very nervous to debate this fire cracker, then you are stronger
than most. Gracie has this...way...of saying
"National Sovereignty is bad" that just makes you want to
vote Affirmative. Gracie is only in 7th grade, so she has quite a
long time left to perfect her debating skills. At her first
tournament, she went 3-3, probably because of her trippy and
manipulative rhetoric skills. And, in addition to all of this,
Gracie is the San Diego County Spelling Bee CHAMPION! Spelling such
words as "patronymic" and "esne" and "ipsedixitism"
Hannah Laine
Hannah Laine is a 14 year old, 1st year debater. She likes going online, playing her gorgeous classical
guitar (she's been playing guitar for about 2 years), listening to music, and lazing around the house. Movies and naps are very nice:). Aside from these things, Hannah is interested in debate, drama, and wondering why her friends never write letters back to her. She hopes to make new friends in debate this year.
She LOOOOVES onions.
Jon-marc Laine
Jon-marc Laine is a 2nd year speechie who likes to push
'em out (do push-ups) and talk about the military.
He also enjoys playing army and anything else that has to do with the military.
He hopes to become a navy SEAL.
Naomi Laine
Naomi Laine is a 16 year old, 1st year LD debater who loves to argue values. She is also interested in practically everything else...philosophy, history, literature, and learning new things in any arena. She also enjoys reading, HSD, friends, fleshing out ideas and philosophies, and trying to become a logical thinker...(the
Canary Islands DO NOT fit into this picture :). As you can tell, Naomi's interests are primarily school related because she loves school (she doesn't know anyone else who loves school and most people don't believe her when she says she does!) Naomi loves making and keeping friends. Oh, and for the final education-related enjoyment, she loves words; especially prodigious ones.
Dan Nadal
Nadal is a fourteen year old debater. Proceeding into his third year, albeit only second in LD, his greatest accomplishment in debate is most definitely qualifying for Nationals at the Monterey tournament (LD, of course). Obviously, he has not had such luck in IE, but that is probably due to the fact that the maximum amount of events that he has competed in is three: expository, extemporaneous, and
impromptu. Out of the aforementioned events, extemporaneous is most assuredly his favorite. When not debating, you can usually find him doing one of several things, which range from practicing the piano, to reading Tolkien, to messing around on the computer.
Josh Nadal
Josh Nadal is 16 and a half years old and in his fourth year of NCFCA competition. While never taking first in a tournament, Josh and his partner took 7th place at a National Qualifier in the 2000-2001 season. At this point, the most impressive achievement of his debate career is breaking to outrounds and ranking 7th at Nationals in LD's final year as a policy event. Obviously, he enjoys debate exceedingly to have continued competing for so long; but not limiting himself only to debate, he has competed in individual events as well, of which extemporaneous is his event of choice. In what little amount of time remains after debate and extemp he enjoys reading novels, such as those by Tolkien and Clancy, hanging out with friends, snowboarding, and a variety of other things.
Mark Nadal
Mark Nadal -- also known as Paradigm's mascot, or David Graham's "Little
Helper" -- is an eleven year old debater and has been waiting one long year
to debate in Lincoln-Douglas! He will be competing in round robins this
year, but alas, he still has to wait another whole year to compete in
national qualifiers. Also an aspiring IEr, he plans to do D.I., H.I., and
Bethany Polley
Hey I'm 15 yrs old in 10th grade and in my 2 yr debating. I'm kinda excited about debate this year b/c I understand what to do. I enjoy speaking in front of people, being with my friends, acting crazy, being hyper, staying up really late at night, watching scary movies, talking on the phone, the smell of Adidas cologne, roses, being in the ocean, riding
roller coasters and laughing till my tummy hurts. I practically live in jeans and a t-shirt. I like listening to any music other than techno, jazz, and classical. I don't like math, language, clothes that I cant run around and be me in, or research. I'm scared of big dogs, deep water, heights and I'm somewhat claustrophobic. My life dream is to grow up, get married, and jump out of an airplane.
Paige Prater
Paige Prater is a
16-year-old San Diegan who is 5'9",in the tenth grade and can't believe she's in her third year of debate already. She gets a thrill from gathering killer evidence and delivering logical arguments in a succinct way. Her passions are history, inductive Bible study, the virtue of integrity, autumn
leaves, Calvinist theology, and Jesus Christ. In her spare time she enjoys reading the classics, discussing life with friends,
scrap booking, singing, making up songs on the piano, cooking, writing poetry, hanging out with her grandmas, and babysitting. As for food, she loves broccoli, hates turkey pot pie, and likes to drink decaf mocha lattes from Starbucks. She likes her eggs scrambled or cooked so that the inside is firm. Other things she has a strong dislike for include: big slobbery dogs, modern art, tomatoes, laziness, barf, cat hairballs, wimpy arguments, See's chocolates that have fruit inside, and the dissecting of pigeons. She hopes to go to Nationals again this year.
Michael Santiago is a
16 year old first-year debater in 9th grade. He
enjoys Star Wars and Star Trek, discussing theories with his father, and
absolutely confusing or boring his friends with science and history
(Yes, he's a nerd). He one day would like to achieve time travel and witness
key events in history. He would also like to travel the world on archeological digs and tomb explorations.
Michael also writes random stuff just like Jack's truly
Jaymie Simpson
name is spelled all wrong. Jaymie Nichole. It sounds
good and all, but what's with the unnecessary 'y' and 'h'?
Jaymie Simpson is the most mad-cool duo impromptu partner ever (says
her duo impromptu partner), probably because she participates in a
comedy team for her church on the first Friday of every month.
She has great taste in music, which means she likes just about
everything I do, in addition to digging on the tunes from the
Icelandic Sigur Rós. Jaymie is easily amused and gets "immense
pleasure" out of writing the name "Troy Funk." This
is her first year in NCFCA. She's competing in several IE
events as well as Lincoln-Douglas debate. At the last
tournament she attended, she took 5th place in Duo Impromptu
(further attesting to the fact that she's the coolest duo impromptu
partner ever.)
Caleb Winn
Winn is an 18-year-old debater who is one day older than Kirsten
Flewelling (that is his greatest accomplishment in life).
He is a fifth year debater, who has qualified for nationals 4
times in the last 4 years. His career highlights include 1st place
in IE Sweepstakes in 2001 and 2nd in LD (losing by one ballot to his
beloved teammate, Kirsten) in 2002. Caleb enjoys school, video
games, and wasting time on IM.
He will be leaving Paradigm next year for a 4-year stay at
Biola University, but even as his time in Paradigm draws to a close
he knows that he will forever cherish the memory of America’s
greatest speech and debate club.
Jono Winn
12 yrs old first year
debater in 7th grade. He likes to listen to punk, rock and even some 80s and just about anything but classical and
country. He doesn't like Newsboys or any of those other whiny bands and hates boy
bands. He likes SW (Star Wars) and general sci-fi, reading, and playing computer
games and video games. LOTR is cool. He skates (as in board), thinks
sleeping late is great, thinks eating is good, likes to get on internet forums and argue about
Star Wars and debates. Doesn't like school mostly except for the books
he reads for history.
Other biographies still to